A Surprising Dinner Party
EM Forster visits America
The story of this quote--slightly changed from the original--
appears in the Preface for Johnson's novel Secret Matter
Toby Johnson submitted a Letter to the Editor regarding a mention of Joseph Campbell in a story about George Platt Lynes.
a Letter to the Editor in the July-August issue, Michael Bedwell tells
of a 1949 literary gathering for novelist E.M. Forster (shown right at
about age 35) who was visiting America, hosted by New York socialites,
publisher Monroe Wheeler and his lover Glenway Wescott whose 1971 NY
Times article is the source of this information. Photographer George
Platt Lynes, with his mother Adelaide, came for cocktails to meet
Forster and his “friend of long standing” Bob Buckingham and arrange to
photograph them later in the week. At the dinner party after the
Lyneses left were the two hosts; Forster (age 70) and Buckingham; and
two more, perhaps incongruous, guests: sexologist Alfred C. Kinsey and
comparative religions scholar Joseph Campbell (age 45 -- the photo
below looks mid-40s).
was intrigued that Campbell had been invited. The reason, of course,
was the subject matter: Forster was the celebrated author of A Passage
to India and Campbell an Indiologist and Sanskrit scholar. This dinner
sounds like a fairly gay event. I am always happy to learn evidence of
Campbell’s open-mindedness in this regard—and at a time (1949) when
open-mindedness wouldn’t have been the norm. Campbell himself was not
gay; his first real girlfriend, btw, was Adelle Davis, later the health
food maven and inventor of tiger’s milk, and he was famously married to
Broadway choreographer Jean Erdman.
and open-minded—that’s how I experienced Joseph Campbell. In 1971 I was
a young, ex-monk, hippie, grad student in comparative religions, and
budding, outspoken gay activist—and a work-scholar at a
Jungian-oriented seminar center north of San Francisco, which is how I
met and befriended Joe. I continued on the team that put on his
appearances in Northern California and carried on a personal
correspondence with him through the 70s.
Only half-jokingly, I fancy myself “Joseph
Campbell’s Apostle to the Gay Community.” His explanation of religion
saved me from my 1950s Catholic upbringing. As editor of White Crane
Journal and writer about gay men’s spirituality, I’ve touted his
perspective—from outside and over and above—as a naturally gay way to
understand religion. Such an understanding can be a positive cure for
the homophobia and confusion that traditional religion imposes on gay
and sex-variant people. My gay spirituality books are about how the
Campbellian understanding of myth as a clue to the nature and patterns
of consciousness explains the religious problems away. So I can’t help
but wonder about the exchange between Campbell and Kinsey.
An internet search on “A Dinner, a Talk, a Walk with Forster”
will bring up Wescott’s article with its couple of sly hints at the
conversation. This event did not make it into any of Campbell’s
published journals, the Director of the Campbell Foundation told me,
but those journals are now in the New York Public Library’s Joseph
Campbell Collection and are open to the public. If any G&LR reader
would peruse Joe’s journals for 1949, I think we’d all love to know
what he wrote about that evening.
Toby Johnson
Here's an interesting article about Monroe
Wheeler, published on the White Crane Institute email blasts of famous
gay birth and death dates.
Feb 13, 1899 - 1988
WHEELER, American curator, born (d: 1988); Poet and author Glenway
Wescott and Monroe Wheeler were an extraordinary couple. The two met
for the first time in 1919, and it was, it seems, a classic case of
love at first sight. At the time, Wescott was still in his teens and
Wheeler just 20. (Wescott's photo below) Seemingly inured to the social
mores of the time and inconstancies of youth, the two embarked on a
relationship that can be called nothing short of a marriage, for the
next 68 years, until Wescott's death in 1987.
young couple traveled the world, stopping in on Gertrude Stein's Paris
Salon and crossing paths with Jean Cocteau on the Riviera, while
Wescott developed his poetry and later fiction (he authored The
Grandmothers and The Pilgrim Hawk, among other bestsellers of his day)
and Wheeler found his path. Eventually he would become the director of
exhibitions and publications at the Museum of Modern Art.
two moved with equal ease through the literary and artistic circles of
London and the continent as well as their families' Midwestern homes.
That their relationship thrived is notable enough. But 1927 brought a
new challenge to their pairing. High-school student George Platt Lynes
fell passionately in love with the strikingly good-looking Wheeler. And
Wheeler, for his part, was entranced by Lyne’s 'full, luscious mouth
and his wasp-like waist'. Instead of driving a wedge between Wescott
and Wheeler, as might be expected, Lynes soon became part of their
shared life. When, after some casting about, he hit upon photography,
the two nurtured his career and used their considerable connections to
get him both work and gallery shows.
In 1930, while still in France, Wheeler entered
into a partnership with Barbara Harrison to establish the Harrison of
Paris press, the goal of which was to publish fine editions of new and
neglected classics. Over 5 years, they produced 13 titles, including
works by Thomas Mann, Katherine Anne Porter, and Glenway Wescott's A
Calendar of Saints for Unbelievers, with illustrations by Pavel
In 1935, following the marriage of Barbara
Harrison to Glenway's younger brother, Lloyd, Wheeler and Wescott moved
back to the United States. They soon set up households both on the farm
in New Jersey bought by Barbara Harrison and Lloyd Wescott and in New
York City, where they shared a series of apartments with George Platt
It was at this time that Wheeler began an
association with the Museum of Modern Art when, in 1935, he
guest-curated an exhibit. His position at MOMA became permanent in 1938
when he was hired as Membership Director, then moved quickly into the
position of Director of Exhibitions and Publications. Wheeler's
innovations in publication and exhibit design soon became well-known.
In 1951, in recognition of his work in bringing French artists to the
attention of American viewers, he was made a Chevalier of the French
Legion of Honor by the government of France.
In 1967, in preparation for his retirement, Wheeler shifted his duties
at the museum. Having long been a trustee of the museum, he was
appointed counselor and joined the International Council in its
biannual meetings. After his official retirement in 1967, he continued
to advise the museum on exhibitions and serve with a number of civic
and arts organizations.
In 1969, Wheeler traveled as a cultural advisor with Nelson Rockefeller
on a presidential mission to Latin America. In the 1970s, Wheeler
travelled extensively and worked on projects documenting the history of
MOMA and the collections of the Rockefeller family.
Monroe Wheeler died in Manhattan on August 14th 1988 at the age of 89, 18 months after the death of Glenway Wescott.
The relationship of Lynes, Wescott and Wheeler was celebrated in a book titled: When We Were Three: The Travel Albums of George Platt Lynes, Monroe Wheeler, and Glenway Wescott, 1925-1935
Here's the cover: